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Early Prevention
Health care providers highly recommend that you regularly attend medical checks, whereby your doctor will carefully examine you to check for any ailments or abnormal growth in your body (MDI, 2017).
Outbreak is a term used in epidemiology to describe an occurrence of disease greater than would otherwise be expected at a particular person, time and place (MDI, 2017).
A screening test is a procedure that is performed to detect the presence of a specific disease. The individual or group of individuals (as in mass screenings) does not present any symptoms of the disease (MDI, 2017).
Surveillance System
This evolution of “surveillance” from personal to public health surveillance developed and highlighted what currently are considered its main principles – data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, and dissemination of that data in a timely manner at the lowest possible cost for public health action (MDI, 2017).
Friday, 15 June 2012
Control Of Communicable Diseases Manual
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Thursday, 14 June 2012
Urinary Stone
(A Case Study of Sidowangi, Subdistrict of Kajoran, District of Magelang)
M. Dody Izhar1, Hari Purnomo K2, Suhardi Darmoatmodjo3
Background: Water hardness containing calcium mineral (Ca2+) is supposed to increase absorption in intestinal lumen and calcium excretion (hyper-calciuria) of urine. Alkalic conditioned urine can cause changes of saturation concentration to become calcium supersaturation leading to the crystalization of calcium oxalate.
Objective: To identify the relationship between drinking water hardness, drinking and eating habit to calcium level and urine calcium oxalate sediment.
Method: The study was observational with cross sectional design. Examination analysis of drinking water hardness (mg/l), level of urine calcium (mg/dl) and calcium oxalate sediment of first/morning urine samples of 128 elementary school students (6-12 years old) was carried out using one-stage cluster random sampling technique at Sidowangi Subdistrict of Kajoran, District of Magelang, Central Java. Data of drinking and eating habit for bestial protein, vegetable protein, calcium and phospor, uric acid, oxalic acid and citric acid of the subject of the study were obtained from interview using questionnaires and food frequency forms. Data analysis used Stata version 8.0 program for windows at significance level. p<0.05.
Result: Average value and main deviation of drinking water hardness was 66.75 + 8.36, level of urine was 10.43+ 6.40 and there were 52 subjects (40.63%) with calcium oxalate crystal. The result of statistical analysis showed that drinking water hardness did not affect level of urine calcium (rs=0.004; p=0.967; POR=1,017; 95% CI=0.476-2.172) and calcium oxalate sediment (rs=-0.007; p=0.937; POR=0.972; 95% CI= 0.480-1,969). Drinking habit (p=0.007; POR=3.509; 95% CI=1.339-8.802) and eating habit of citric acid sources (adequate p=0.066; POR=3.037; 95%CI=0.931-9,903, less p=0.000; POR=10,996; 95% CI=3.533-34.218) were 2 predisposition variables of calcium oxalate sediment status.
Conclusion: Drinking water hardness had no effect to level of urine calcium and calcium oxalate sediment. Drinking habit and eating habit for citric acid sources were 2 most determining factors, i.e. as protection or inhibitor of calcium oxalate crystalization formation.
Keywords: water hardness, calcium level, calcium oxalate sediment
1. Health Office of Jambi Municipality, Jambi
2. Magister, Field Epidemiology and Training Program, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
3. Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Analisis Statistik
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
1. Epidemiologi Kebidanan I
2. Epidemiologi Kebidanan II
3. Ukuran Frekuensi Penyakit
4. Screening I
5. Screening II
6. Screening III
7. Pencatatan Pelaporan Epidemiologi I
8. Pencatatan Pelaporan Epidemiologi II
Monday, 21 May 2012
Malaria Kehamilan
Friday, 18 May 2012
14. Session : 12-13. Ukuran Dampak Penyakit
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Surveilans DBD : Deteksi Dini
- Bertempat tinggal di /bepergian ke daerah endemik dengue
- Demam disertai 2 dari hal berikut :
- Mual, muntah
- Ruam
- Sakit dan nyeri
- Uji torniket positif
- Lekopenia
- Tanda bahaya adalah :
- Nyeri perut atau kelembutannya
- Muntah berkepanjangan
- Terdapat akumulasi cairan
- Perdarahan mucosa
- Letargi, lemah
- Pembesaran hati > 2 cm
- Kenaikan hematokrit seiring dengan penurunan jumlah trombosit yang cepat
Kriteria dengue berat :
- Kebocoran plasma berat, yang dapat menyebabkan syok (DSS), akumulasi cairan dengan distress pernafasan.
- Perdarahan hebat, sesuai pertimbangan klinisi
- Gangguan organ berat, hepar (AST atau ALT ≥ 1000, gangguan kesadaran, gangguan jantung dan organ lain)
Dengue Berat